Tribunal je pokazal popolno ignorantstvo in neznanje, žal ob pomoči slovenskih udeležencev, ki mu iz ne vem kakšnih razlogov niso (hoteli) dostavili prave dokumentacije.
Tribunal (slep in gluh za dejstva) ni opazil obstoječih državnih meja:
With respect to the area of Gorjanci/Žumberak, the Tribunal notes at the outset that THERE WAS NO HISTORIC AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN BOUNDARY IN THAT AREA. The cadastral limits however largely coincide. The Tribunal concludes that, in the absence of authoritative maps or other evidence of title to the contrary, the boundary follows these aligned limits. In respect of one particular area—numbered 7.1—in which the cadastral limits do not coincide, the Tribunal first examines the evidence of legal title submitted by the Parties. While that evidence is of high quality, neither Party’s evidence is to be preferred per se. The Tribunal accordingly turns to effectivités and concludes that the area lies within Slovenia’s territory, with the boundary running along Slovenia’s cadastral limits.
Karta dokazuje, da je na tem območju bila še kako DRŽAVNA MEJA med Vojvodino Krajnsko in Kraljevino Ogrsko. Tribunal je z razmejitvijo na območju Trdinovega vrha grobo kršil
Obstoječe dejansko stanje:
ŽUMBERAK, katerega meja (državnega značaja!) s Kraljevino Ogrsko je na karti poudarjena z rdečimi točkami, je določala preostali del Vojne krajine, ki ni sodilo pod državo Kraljevino Ogrsko (torej še manj v okvir ogrske pokrajine Hrvatske.